Welcome to the section of the Orisha Wisdom Podcast called Ask A Priest – Have you ever had a burning question that you’d like to ask an Orisa Priest? This is the perfect way to get some answers to help you on your journey.
The question for today is “How does one know they are ready for initiation?“
Listen to this episode to get the answer….
See below things that were discussed in this episode:
- Divine Timing
- What modes of spirituality are not correct to answer this question
- Which is the type of divining that will help
- The importance of Ifa
Listen in to do take inventory of the tools spoken of and learn how to know for sure, if you are meant to initiate.
What do you think of the Ask A Priest Series?? Share your comments and thoughts as well. 🙂
** For your Ori Affirmations and information – go to https://orishawisdom.com/ori1
*** What do YOU think about Orisha Greeting Cards? (Yup… those cards that you don’t find in Walgreens, that speak of your godmother’s Ocha Anniversary…. let me know https://orishawisdom.com/cards
Thank you so much for listening!
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Thanks for your podcasts, they are thought-provoking & address areas of concern for me. I have a couple questions: Are there women priests? Is it best to go to someone in your own locale or country as a godparent? Thank you!
I thoroughly enjoyed this and I can only second what was said.
Greetings, This is my 1st time listening to your pod cast. Thank you it’s so on point to my understanding of how to get the answer needed. I will be seeking a reading for next step clearity soon. This was a helpful reminder I’m sure I was guided to listen to verse the halmark movie I was planning to watch as I’m packing for my new adventure. Thank you again I will be listening to more of these pod cast I’m sure,
Wow loving your podcast. I just was talking about this very subject and it’s in every religion so called prophets telling other people they are called. I get inboxed all the time on instagram from priest about god parenting witch you also addressed already. While I admit I am moving slower than I should in my learning but I see people jump the gun and only hurt themselves it’s people in proper place for a reason in every religion. I would weather be seasoned than arrogant Keep up the good work I love what your doing.
Hi my name is Tanya Rios I was wondering how can I go about getting into the Santeria religion?
Tanya…. thanks for your comment. These traditions… are a community based deal. One way is to find public drummings and events… and that is a sure-fire way to meet others in our community. Another way is through a referral to a priest. 🙂 Good luck on your journey.
What intales an iniciation?