My Highest Self What?
In our Facebook Orisha Wisdom Community, we’ve been discussing our Higher Selves ‘Ori’ for a while. Do you realize how powerful this one entity is? This being is really YOU at your highest of selves. It is the being that along with you… marked your own destiny in heaven! (That just blows my mind… here I am searching on Earth what is my destiny… and I wrote my own destiny!  What?  Amazing!)   Unfortunately, the transition from Orun to Earth through birth basically wiped our memories of this pact and destiny choice.  We have discussed the Power of the Word – Ofo Ase…. which basically are words of affirmations.  This is more commonly seen in Traditional Yoruba practitioners as they get up early to conduct these ofo ase, to set the tone for their days.  These words can help to strengthen our connection with Ori… so that we can go straight to our destinies.

Here’s a short story — I am the owner of Olubunmi Creations, and perhaps I’ll share the story here some day on how that business began… if you are interested, you can visit the site by clicking here.) I once had the inspiration of the Power of the Word… and decided that to best express this… (I would begin to metal stamp sayings other than ‘I love (insert name of loved one here lol). I began to stamp/write sayings like – My Ori takes me to my Destiny, or Orisha wishes me to succeed… etc. Funny… I started making those to sell… but I found that in the stage that I was at… I was making them for me. They were really for me to remember that I have a purpose, that I can do this, that when the chips are down… I can do this… because My Ori makes it so.…. because Orisha and Ori are with me.
How to best use Ori Affirmations!

Now… Fast Forward —– Having this in mind.. Orisha Wisdom proudly would like to share with you this resource. The ORI AFFIRMATIONS.

How to best use these affirmations?  The best way to use this, is in front of a mirror, so that you can basically talk to yourself and empower this energy and your connection to your own Ori.  There is something powerful and magical when you talk to yourself.  In reality… you are your biggest enemy, or cheerleader.  The chatter that goes in your head can really do either a positive or a negative number to you.

Honoring your Ori is a practice that can be done by anyone…. whether they are new to these traditions, or initiated!  Really!  You can do this!  When it comes to your Ori… no one can prevent you from honoring your Highest Self…. No one! Funny thing… even Orisha cannot give you what your Ori does not accept! Isn’t that just amazing? I’ve really been curious about this, and I find that the more I learn about Ori… the less I know about the energies that are around us daily…. and the more I am amazed that you DO have the Power to change your own life.

Are you ready to use this amazing tool to begin changing your life?


Your Destiny is really in YOUR hands. Maferefun Ori!

Would you like to connect with your PERSONAL ORISA & change your life?

Click here and learn how to put this to use TODAY and change YOUR LIFE! 

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Making a Good Choice starts with having Good Information.

A Godparent is a Choice...  Let this Guide help you and give you a Great Start! 

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A Godparent is a Choice...  Let this Guide help you and give you a Great Start! 

Woo hooo! Check your email folders... and you should have your Guide waiting for you!

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Ready for your Okunrin Obinrin BONUS?

Find out what our Yoruba Traditions have to say about male and female roles, dating, and much more with this workshop.  Huge thanks to Baba Falade for blessing us with his wisdom! 

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